Love To Dream - Swaddle UP™ Transition Bag Original (1.0 tog)
Preserve your precious sleep routine when it’s time to transition.
Making the move from the secure feeling of being swaddled to sleeping with arms free can be upsetting for some babies… not to mention their parents! But there is a way to preserve your sleep routine during the transition.
The Swaddle UP™ transition bag helps your baby to gradually adjust to sleeping un-swaddled. Simply unzip one ‘wing’, wait a few nights for your baby to adjust to the sensation of sleeping with one arm released, & then remove the second wing. Your baby is now transitioned!
- Converts to a snug sleep bag for longer-term use
- Genius two-way zipper for easy diaper changes
- Hip-healthy design allows hips and legs to flex naturally
Love To Dream - Swaddle UP™過渡包原創(1.0 tog)
從被襁褓中的安全感轉變為解放手臂睡覺可能會讓一些嬰兒感到不安……更不用說他們的父母了! 但有一種方法可以在過渡期間保持您的睡眠習慣。
Swaddle UP™ 過渡袋可幫助您的寶寶逐漸適應不裹襁褓的睡眠。 只要拉開一個「翅膀」的拉鍊,等待幾個晚上,讓寶寶適應鬆開一隻手臂睡覺的感覺,然後取下第二個翅膀。您的寶寶現在已經轉變了!
- 可轉換為舒適的睡袋以供長期使用
- 天才雙向拉鍊,方便更換尿布
- 臀部健康設計讓臀部和腿部自然彎曲
Original Price
Love To Dream - Swaddle UP™ Transition Bag Original (1.0 tog)
Preserve your precious sleep routine when it’s time to transition.
Making the move from the secure feeling of being swaddled to sleeping with arms free can be upsetting for some babies… not to mention their parents! But there is a way to preserve your sleep routine during the transition.
The Swaddle UP™ transition bag helps your baby to gradually adjust to sleeping un-swaddled. Simply unzip one ‘wing’, wait a few nights for your baby to adjust to the sensation of sleeping with one arm released, & then remove the second wing. Your baby is now transitioned!
- Converts to a snug sleep bag for longer-term use
- Genius two-way zipper for easy diaper changes
- Hip-healthy design allows hips and legs to flex naturally
Love To Dream - Swaddle UP™過渡包原創(1.0 tog)
從被襁褓中的安全感轉變為解放手臂睡覺可能會讓一些嬰兒感到不安……更不用說他們的父母了! 但有一種方法可以在過渡期間保持您的睡眠習慣。
Swaddle UP™ 過渡袋可幫助您的寶寶逐漸適應不裹襁褓的睡眠。 只要拉開一個「翅膀」的拉鍊,等待幾個晚上,讓寶寶適應鬆開一隻手臂睡覺的感覺,然後取下第二個翅膀。您的寶寶現在已經轉變了!
- 可轉換為舒適的睡袋以供長期使用
- 天才雙向拉鍊,方便更換尿布
- 臀部健康設計讓臀部和腿部自然彎曲