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Home > Supplement > Heart cardiovascular > Blackmores 澳洲 Blackmores 高濃度DHA深海健腦魚油 60 粒膠囊
澳洲 Blackmores 高濃度DHA深海健腦魚油 60 粒膠囊
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澳洲 Blackmores 高濃度DHA深海健腦魚油 60 粒膠囊
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Blackmores Omega Brain 高濃度健腦配方 深海魚油 60粒裝


EPA是血管清道夫,有助降低血液黏稠度,增進血液循環;DHA被譽為 「腦黃金」,佔大腦總脂肪酸的35-45%,同時亦是眼睛視網膜重要成份,約佔50%,對胎兒的智力和視力發展非常重要。

  • 嚴選來自靠近南極的新西蘭和秘魯海域、生長周期短的深海小魚(例如:沙甸魚、鳳尾魚、鯷魚)身長只有3至5寸,含重金屬和有害物質的風險較大魚少
  • 魚穫24小時内,冷製加工,保證新鮮無腥味
  • 添加維他命E作抗氧化劑,不易變質
  • 通過農藥和重金屬含量測試,如二噁英及水銀等污染物
    澳洲藥品監督管理局(TGA) 登記監管

BLACKMORES® 高濃度深海魚油健腦配方:

每粒含600毫克Omega-3 脂肪酸(包括EPA 100毫克,DHA 500毫克)

  • 高濃度DHA,維持神經系統及細胞生長
  • 減少發炎反應,能減輕腫痛,舒緩關節不適
  • 有效維持眼睛、腦部、心血管及皮膚健康
  • 適合人士:經常使用電腦、關注腦部、眼睛健康及記憶力的人士及懷孕及餵哺中婦女



  • 請閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明。
  • 如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家
  • 補充劑可能僅在飲食攝入不足時才有幫助
  • 包含魚、亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
  • 如果您有任何既往疾病,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專家
  • 某些產品應在任何擇期手術前至少兩週停用,請與您的健康專家確認
  • 僅在成人監督下用於兒童。不建議 1 歲以下兒童 (遠離幼兒)。

Blackmores Omega Brain Highly Concentrated Brain-Building Formula Deep Sea Fish Oil 60 Capsules

Deep-sea fish oil contains essential fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids, which cannot be synthesized by the human body itself and require daily supplementation to maintain good health. There are mainly two ingredients: EPA and DHA. Essential fatty acids in the human body exist in the cell membrane in the form of phospholipids and are responsible for controlling which substances can enter the cell membrane and which substances should be excreted. The integrity and fluidity of cell membranes depend on the fatty acids contained in the body. If phospholipids are mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the cell membrane will have better fluidity and function better than cell membranes composed of saturated fatty acids or trans fatty acids. Normally functioning cell membranes preserve important nutrients and electrolytes, communicate with other cells, and respond better to hormones.

EPA is a vascular scavenger, helping to reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation; DHA is known as "brain gold" and accounts for 35-45% of the total fatty acids in the brain. It is also an important component of the retina of the eye, accounting for about 50% of the total fatty acids in the brain. The development of fetal intelligence and vision is very important.

  • Carefully selected deep-sea small fish with short growth cycles (such as sardines, anchovies, and anchovies) from the waters of New Zealand and Peru near the Antarctic are only 3 to 5 inches in length. They are more likely to contain heavy metals and harmful substances than fish.
  • The fish is cold-processed within 24 hours of being caught to ensure freshness and no fishy smell.
    The molecular purification and refining steps are used to remove impurities and retain important nutrients.
  • Added vitamin E as an antioxidant to prevent deterioration.
    Use dark brown pharmaceutical-grade glass bottles to maintain product activity.
  • Passed pesticide and heavy metal content tests, including contaminants such as dioxins and mercury.
    Registered and regulated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
    No artificial additives or flavors.

BLACKMORES® high-concentration deep-sea fish oil brain-boosting formula:

Each capsule contains 600 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids (including EPA 100 mg, DHA 500 mg)

  • High concentration of DHA to maintain nervous system and cell growth
  • Reduce inflammation, reduce swelling and pain, and relieve joint discomfort
  • Effectively maintain eye, brain, cardiovascular and skin health
  • Suitable for: People who frequently use computers, are concerned about brain, eye health and memory, and pregnant and breastfeeding women



  • Please read the label and follow the directions for use.
  • If symptoms persist, consult your health professional
  • Supplements may only help if dietary intake is insufficient
  • Contains fish, sulfites and soy products
  • If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications, always consult your health professional before use
  • Certain products should be discontinued at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please check with your health professional
  • Use on children only under adult supervision. Not recommended for children under 1 year old (keep away from young children).
Blackmores澳洲 Blackmores 高濃度DHA深海健腦魚油 60 粒膠囊


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Blackmores Omega Brain 高濃度健腦配方 深海魚油 60粒裝


EPA是血管清道夫,有助降低血液黏稠度,增進血液循環;DHA被譽為 「腦黃金」,佔大腦總脂肪酸的35-45%,同時亦是眼睛視網膜重要成份,約佔50%,對胎兒的智力和視力發展非常重要。

  • 嚴選來自靠近南極的新西蘭和秘魯海域、生長周期短的深海小魚(例如:沙甸魚、鳳尾魚、鯷魚)身長只有3至5寸,含重金屬和有害物質的風險較大魚少
  • 魚穫24小時内,冷製加工,保證新鮮無腥味
  • 添加維他命E作抗氧化劑,不易變質
  • 通過農藥和重金屬含量測試,如二噁英及水銀等污染物
    澳洲藥品監督管理局(TGA) 登記監管

BLACKMORES® 高濃度深海魚油健腦配方:

每粒含600毫克Omega-3 脂肪酸(包括EPA 100毫克,DHA 500毫克)

  • 高濃度DHA,維持神經系統及細胞生長
  • 減少發炎反應,能減輕腫痛,舒緩關節不適
  • 有效維持眼睛、腦部、心血管及皮膚健康
  • 適合人士:經常使用電腦、關注腦部、眼睛健康及記憶力的人士及懷孕及餵哺中婦女



  • 請閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明。
  • 如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家
  • 補充劑可能僅在飲食攝入不足時才有幫助
  • 包含魚、亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
  • 如果您有任何既往疾病,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專家
  • 某些產品應在任何擇期手術前至少兩週停用,請與您的健康專家確認
  • 僅在成人監督下用於兒童。不建議 1 歲以下兒童 (遠離幼兒)。

Blackmores Omega Brain Highly Concentrated Brain-Building Formula Deep Sea Fish Oil 60 Capsules

Deep-sea fish oil contains essential fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids, which cannot be synthesized by the human body itself and require daily supplementation to maintain good health. There are mainly two ingredients: EPA and DHA. Essential fatty acids in the human body exist in the cell membrane in the form of phospholipids and are responsible for controlling which substances can enter the cell membrane and which substances should be excreted. The integrity and fluidity of cell membranes depend on the fatty acids contained in the body. If phospholipids are mainly composed of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the cell membrane will have better fluidity and function better than cell membranes composed of saturated fatty acids or trans fatty acids. Normally functioning cell membranes preserve important nutrients and electrolytes, communicate with other cells, and respond better to hormones.

EPA is a vascular scavenger, helping to reduce blood viscosity and improve blood circulation; DHA is known as "brain gold" and accounts for 35-45% of the total fatty acids in the brain. It is also an important component of the retina of the eye, accounting for about 50% of the total fatty acids in the brain. The development of fetal intelligence and vision is very important.

  • Carefully selected deep-sea small fish with short growth cycles (such as sardines, anchovies, and anchovies) from the waters of New Zealand and Peru near the Antarctic are only 3 to 5 inches in length. They are more likely to contain heavy metals and harmful substances than fish.
  • The fish is cold-processed within 24 hours of being caught to ensure freshness and no fishy smell.
    The molecular purification and refining steps are used to remove impurities and retain important nutrients.
  • Added vitamin E as an antioxidant to prevent deterioration.
    Use dark brown pharmaceutical-grade glass bottles to maintain product activity.
  • Passed pesticide and heavy metal content tests, including contaminants such as dioxins and mercury.
    Registered and regulated by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
    No artificial additives or flavors.

BLACKMORES® high-concentration deep-sea fish oil brain-boosting formula:

Each capsule contains 600 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids (including EPA 100 mg, DHA 500 mg)

  • High concentration of DHA to maintain nervous system and cell growth
  • Reduce inflammation, reduce swelling and pain, and relieve joint discomfort
  • Effectively maintain eye, brain, cardiovascular and skin health
  • Suitable for: People who frequently use computers, are concerned about brain, eye health and memory, and pregnant and breastfeeding women



  • Please read the label and follow the directions for use.
  • If symptoms persist, consult your health professional
  • Supplements may only help if dietary intake is insufficient
  • Contains fish, sulfites and soy products
  • If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, or are taking any medications, always consult your health professional before use
  • Certain products should be discontinued at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please check with your health professional
  • Use on children only under adult supervision. Not recommended for children under 1 year old (keep away from young children).
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