專為寶貝小小嘴巴設計的一口入大小, 小巧可愛的花花造型, 吃起來口感酥脆, 含在嘴裡用口水就能融化, 還散發誘人的蔬果香氣, 讓人愛不釋手
- 嚴選泰國當地茉莉糙米為營養基底
- 契作農場食材: 委託當地農夫依照契約精神照護農作物
- 5大健康原則: 非油炸食品、無添加乳製品.麩質.防腐劑.味精
- 7大無添加: 無小麥.牛奶.樹堅果.豆類.花生.蛋.魚類(含貝類)
- 衛生單包裝,外出攜帶方便
- 美味營養、口感酥脆、入口即化
適用年齡: 12個月+
容量: 30g/盒 (10g X 3包)
產地: 泰國
55% 有機茉莉糙米
28% 有機玉米粉
15% 有機士多啤梨粉
2% 有機紅菜頭粉
The healthiest snacks for babies,
specially designed for babies’ small mouths in bite-sized sizes, small and cute flower shape, taste crispy, melt in the mouth with saliva, and exudes an alluring aroma of fruits and vegetables, making people unable to put it down.
- Carefully selected Thai local jasmine brown rice as the nutritional base
- Contract farm ingredients: Entrust local farmers to take care of crops in accordance with the spirit of the contract
- 5 health principles: non-fried food, no added dairy products, gluten, preservatives, and MSG
- 7 No Additives: No wheat, milk, tree nuts, beans, peanuts, eggs, fish (including shellfish)
- Hygienic single packaging, easy to carry when going out
- Delicious and nutritious, crispy and melt-in-your-mouth
Applicable age: 12 months+
Capacity: 30g/box (10g X 3 packs)
Origin: Thailand
Beetroot and strawberry flavor ingredients:
55% organic jasmine brown rice
28% organic corn flour
15% organic strawberry powder
2% organic beetroot powder
Original Price
專為寶貝小小嘴巴設計的一口入大小, 小巧可愛的花花造型, 吃起來口感酥脆, 含在嘴裡用口水就能融化, 還散發誘人的蔬果香氣, 讓人愛不釋手
- 嚴選泰國當地茉莉糙米為營養基底
- 契作農場食材: 委託當地農夫依照契約精神照護農作物
- 5大健康原則: 非油炸食品、無添加乳製品.麩質.防腐劑.味精
- 7大無添加: 無小麥.牛奶.樹堅果.豆類.花生.蛋.魚類(含貝類)
- 衛生單包裝,外出攜帶方便
- 美味營養、口感酥脆、入口即化
適用年齡: 12個月+
容量: 30g/盒 (10g X 3包)
產地: 泰國
55% 有機茉莉糙米
28% 有機玉米粉
15% 有機士多啤梨粉
2% 有機紅菜頭粉
The healthiest snacks for babies,
specially designed for babies’ small mouths in bite-sized sizes, small and cute flower shape, taste crispy, melt in the mouth with saliva, and exudes an alluring aroma of fruits and vegetables, making people unable to put it down.
- Carefully selected Thai local jasmine brown rice as the nutritional base
- Contract farm ingredients: Entrust local farmers to take care of crops in accordance with the spirit of the contract
- 5 health principles: non-fried food, no added dairy products, gluten, preservatives, and MSG
- 7 No Additives: No wheat, milk, tree nuts, beans, peanuts, eggs, fish (including shellfish)
- Hygienic single packaging, easy to carry when going out
- Delicious and nutritious, crispy and melt-in-your-mouth
Applicable age: 12 months+
Capacity: 30g/box (10g X 3 packs)
Origin: Thailand
Beetroot and strawberry flavor ingredients:
55% organic jasmine brown rice
28% organic corn flour
15% organic strawberry powder
2% organic beetroot powder