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韓國BEBEDANG 士多啤梨味芝士粒 12M+
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韓國BEBEDANG 士多啤梨味芝士粒 12M+
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產地 韓國
Bebedang can take care of what your baby needs at every stage!
◆With freeze-drying technology, it has unique flavor and aroma.
◆The square shape can stimulate the baby's eyeballs, feel and taste
◆Can train the small muscles of the hand, helping to control the pen holding strength and learn to write in the future
◆No preservatives, no added salt, no artificial coloring
◆Cookies are cleaner
◆Dense bag The packaging keeps fresher and the serving size can be adjusted at any time.
Origin South Korea
BEBEDANGFreeze Dried Cube - Cheese&Strawberry


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產地 韓國
Bebedang can take care of what your baby needs at every stage!
◆With freeze-drying technology, it has unique flavor and aroma.
◆The square shape can stimulate the baby's eyeballs, feel and taste
◆Can train the small muscles of the hand, helping to control the pen holding strength and learn to write in the future
◆No preservatives, no added salt, no artificial coloring
◆Cookies are cleaner
◆Dense bag The packaging keeps fresher and the serving size can be adjusted at any time.
Origin South Korea
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