![柔軟竹纖維嬰兒包巾 - 水彩花園Watercolour Garden(3件裝)](https://i0apiwww.babyhk.com/erp/imgupload/babyhk/product_gallery/7327/tbn13115_WeChat%2520%25E6%2588%25AA%25E5%259C%2596_20240418104509.png)
![柔軟竹纖維嬰兒包巾 - 水彩花園Watercolour Garden(3件裝)](https://i1apiwww.babyhk.com/erp/imgupload/babyhk/product_gallery/7327/tbn13116_WeChat%2520%25E6%2588%25AA%25E5%259C%2596_20240418104516.png)
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ADEN+ADAIS 柔軟竹纖維嬰兒包巾 - 水彩花園Watercolour Garden(3件裝)
絲般柔軟的嬰兒包巾,結合了透氣性和多功能性以及用 100% 由竹纖維萃取的人造絲製成,成為寶寶嬌嫩皮膚上使用的最豪華面料。 但是單單只是柔軟度這還是不夠,包巾還可以用作嬰兒車罩、打嗝布、哺乳巾等。屢獲殊榮的原創包巾由一位媽媽創造,其使命是盡可能以最好的方式來安撫嬰兒,同時讓父母的生活變得更簡單。
100% 由竹纖維萃取的人造絲製成,柔軟、舒適及耐用
高品質柔軟如絲綢 會越洗越柔軟
尺寸: 112x 112 厘米
This bamboo-infused viscose swaddles feel softer than silk + wick moisture, making them buttery smooth + highly functional. Designed specifically for a baby's sensitive skin, these swaddles are one of the softest fabrics you can wrap them in.
Created by a mom on a mission to comfort babies in the best way possible while making parents’ lives simpler, this award-winning original swaddle continues to set the standard worldwide.
Two 44" x 44" (112 x 112cm) pre-washed bamboo muslin swaddles
Breathable: helps reduce the risk of overheating
Generous Size: makes swaddling easy
Comfy: gets softer with every wash
Versatile: works as a stroller or nursing cover, changing pad cover, burp cloth, tummy time blanket and more
Original Price
ADEN+ADAIS 柔軟竹纖維嬰兒包巾 - 水彩花園Watercolour Garden(3件裝)
絲般柔軟的嬰兒包巾,結合了透氣性和多功能性以及用 100% 由竹纖維萃取的人造絲製成,成為寶寶嬌嫩皮膚上使用的最豪華面料。 但是單單只是柔軟度這還是不夠,包巾還可以用作嬰兒車罩、打嗝布、哺乳巾等。屢獲殊榮的原創包巾由一位媽媽創造,其使命是盡可能以最好的方式來安撫嬰兒,同時讓父母的生活變得更簡單。
100% 由竹纖維萃取的人造絲製成,柔軟、舒適及耐用
高品質柔軟如絲綢 會越洗越柔軟
尺寸: 112x 112 厘米
This bamboo-infused viscose swaddles feel softer than silk + wick moisture, making them buttery smooth + highly functional. Designed specifically for a baby's sensitive skin, these swaddles are one of the softest fabrics you can wrap them in.
Created by a mom on a mission to comfort babies in the best way possible while making parents’ lives simpler, this award-winning original swaddle continues to set the standard worldwide.
Two 44" x 44" (112 x 112cm) pre-washed bamboo muslin swaddles
Breathable: helps reduce the risk of overheating
Generous Size: makes swaddling easy
Comfy: gets softer with every wash
Versatile: works as a stroller or nursing cover, changing pad cover, burp cloth, tummy time blanket and more