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美國BabyGanics 萬用家居清潔劑 946ml
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美國BabyGanics 萬用家居清潔劑 946ml
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- 植物配方,天然潔淨各種家居表面
- 適用於清潔桌面、幼兒餐椅、玻璃、牆壁、木地板、磁磚、不鏽鋼或其他家居表面
- 一噴一抹,無需過水
- 不含有害化學成份,安全無毒,不殘留於表面
- 不含刺激物,防敏感配方,經兒科及皮膚專科測試
- 不經任何動物測試
- 不含阿摩尼亞、漂白劑、磷酸鹽、鄰苯二甲酸、硫酸鹽、人造香料或色素
- 美國製造

使用方法:均匀地噴出噴霧, 用一塊清潔的乾布或可回收的廚房用紙擦淨即可. 請放置於兒童觸及不到及陰涼處。



- Plant formula, naturally cleans various home surfaces
- Suitable for cleaning tabletops, dining chairs, glass, walls, wooden floors, tiles, stainless steel or other home surfaces
- Spray and wipe, no need to use water
- Does not contain harmful chemical ingredients, Safe and non-toxic, no residue on the surface
- No irritants, hypoallergenic formula, pediatric and dermatologically tested
- No animal testing
- Does not contain ammonia, bleach, phosphates, phthalates, sulfuric acid Salt, Artificial Flavors or Colors
- Made in the USA

Instructions for use: Spray the spray evenly and wipe it clean with a clean dry cloth or recyclable kitchen paper. Please keep it out of the reach of children and in a cool place.

BabyGanics美國BabyGanics 萬用家居清潔劑 946ml


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- 植物配方,天然潔淨各種家居表面
- 適用於清潔桌面、幼兒餐椅、玻璃、牆壁、木地板、磁磚、不鏽鋼或其他家居表面
- 一噴一抹,無需過水
- 不含有害化學成份,安全無毒,不殘留於表面
- 不含刺激物,防敏感配方,經兒科及皮膚專科測試
- 不經任何動物測試
- 不含阿摩尼亞、漂白劑、磷酸鹽、鄰苯二甲酸、硫酸鹽、人造香料或色素
- 美國製造

使用方法:均匀地噴出噴霧, 用一塊清潔的乾布或可回收的廚房用紙擦淨即可. 請放置於兒童觸及不到及陰涼處。



- Plant formula, naturally cleans various home surfaces
- Suitable for cleaning tabletops, dining chairs, glass, walls, wooden floors, tiles, stainless steel or other home surfaces
- Spray and wipe, no need to use water
- Does not contain harmful chemical ingredients, Safe and non-toxic, no residue on the surface
- No irritants, hypoallergenic formula, pediatric and dermatologically tested
- No animal testing
- Does not contain ammonia, bleach, phosphates, phthalates, sulfuric acid Salt, Artificial Flavors or Colors
- Made in the USA

Instructions for use: Spray the spray evenly and wipe it clean with a clean dry cloth or recyclable kitchen paper. Please keep it out of the reach of children and in a cool place.

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