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Home > Baby Accessories > Baby Carriers > Babybjorn BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
BB® Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
BB® Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
BB® Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
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BB® Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
BB® Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
BB® Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo
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1. 棉質:100% BCI 認證棉質
2. 所有材質均有益於寶寶肌膚且味道安全。
3. 當您以面朝外的姿勢攜帶嬰兒時,嬰兒應至少 5 個月大,體重不超過 11 公斤。
4. 最適合寶寶出生後的幾個月。經過測試,0-1 年內安全(最小 3.2 公斤,最大 11 公斤)。
5. 40°C 機洗。分開洗滌。
6. 迷你嬰兒背帶符合歐洲 EN 13209-2:2015 和美國 ASTM F2236 安全標準。

1. Cotton: 100% BCI-certified cotton
2. All materials are kind to your baby’s skin and safe to taste.
3. When you carry your baby in the facing-out position, they should be at least 5 months old and weigh no more than 11 kg.
4. Most suitable during your baby’s first months. Tested and safe for 0–1 years (min. 3.2 kg, max. 11 kg).
5. Machine wash at 40°C. Wash separately.
6. Baby Carrier Mini complies with both the European EN 13209-2:2015 and the American ASTM F2236 safety standards.

BabybjornBABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier MINI, Cotton - Vintage Indigo


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1. 棉質:100% BCI 認證棉質
2. 所有材質均有益於寶寶肌膚且味道安全。
3. 當您以面朝外的姿勢攜帶嬰兒時,嬰兒應至少 5 個月大,體重不超過 11 公斤。
4. 最適合寶寶出生後的幾個月。經過測試,0-1 年內安全(最小 3.2 公斤,最大 11 公斤)。
5. 40°C 機洗。分開洗滌。
6. 迷你嬰兒背帶符合歐洲 EN 13209-2:2015 和美國 ASTM F2236 安全標準。

1. Cotton: 100% BCI-certified cotton
2. All materials are kind to your baby’s skin and safe to taste.
3. When you carry your baby in the facing-out position, they should be at least 5 months old and weigh no more than 11 kg.
4. Most suitable during your baby’s first months. Tested and safe for 0–1 years (min. 3.2 kg, max. 11 kg).
5. Machine wash at 40°C. Wash separately.
6. Baby Carrier Mini complies with both the European EN 13209-2:2015 and the American ASTM F2236 safety standards.

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