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Home > Supplement > Vitamins > 日本 大木維生素糖120粒(草莓味)(1歲以上食用)
日本 大木維生素糖120粒(草莓味)(1歲以上食用)
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日本 大木維生素糖120粒(草莓味)(1歲以上食用)
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每日劑量(2 片)

  • 維生素 A 油:4mg(維生素 A 4,000 國際單位)
  • 維生素 D2:0.01mg
  • 維生素 E 醋酸酯:5mg
  • 維生素 B₆:1mg
  • 維生素 C:40mg
  • 泛酸鈣:6mg

劑量 / 用法

成人(15 歲以上)每次 2 片,兒童(1 至 14 歲)每次 1 片,每日一次,可隨時服用。

請勿將本產品給予嬰兒(1 歲以下)。





(1) 正在接受醫生治療的人。
(2) 懷孕3個月以下的孕婦、疑似懷孕者或希望懷孕者。 (有報告指出,懷孕前3個月至懷孕3個月內每天攝取維生素A超過10,000國際單位的孕婦所生嬰兒的先天畸形率增加。)

2.如果服用後出現以下症狀,可能是副作用,因此請立即停止服用,並隨身攜帶此容器,並向醫生、藥劑師或註冊銷售人員諮詢。 ●皮膚:皮疹、發紅、搔癢消化系統:噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉




Papa Jelly 5 is a nutritional supplement that contains vitamins A, D2, C, E, B6, and calcium pantothenate, which are often lacking in people of all ages, from young children to the elderly.

It is a refreshingly sweet strawberry-flavored jelly that even small children can easily take by chewing it without water.

Daily dose (per 2 capsules)

  • Vitamin A oil: 4 mg (vitamin A 4,000 international units)
  • Vitamin D₂: 0.01 mg
  • Vitamin E acetate: 5 mg
  • Vitamin B₆: 1 mg
  • Vitamin C: 40 mg
  • Calcium pantothenate: 6 mg


Adults (15 years or older): 2 tablets; children (1 to 14 years old): 1 tablet, once a day, at any time. Do
not give to infants (under 1 year old).

Do not take this medicine if you are: ●Do not give this medicine to infants (under 1 year old).

<Things to consult>

1. The following people should consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered distributor before taking this medicine.

(1) People receiving medical treatment from a doctor.
(2) Pregnant women up to 3 months pregnant, those who think they are pregnant, or those who wish to become pregnant. (There have been reports of an increased rate of congenital abnormalities in children born to pregnant women who took more than 10,000 international units of vitamin A per day from 3 months before to 3 months of pregnancy.)

2. If the following symptoms appear after taking this medicine, they may be side effects, so stop taking the medicine immediately and consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered distributor with this container. ● Skin: rash, redness, itchiness Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

3. If symptoms do not improve after taking this medicine for about 1 month, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered distributor with this container.

日本 大木維生素糖120粒(草莓味)(1歲以上食用)


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每日劑量(2 片)

  • 維生素 A 油:4mg(維生素 A 4,000 國際單位)
  • 維生素 D2:0.01mg
  • 維生素 E 醋酸酯:5mg
  • 維生素 B₆:1mg
  • 維生素 C:40mg
  • 泛酸鈣:6mg

劑量 / 用法

成人(15 歲以上)每次 2 片,兒童(1 至 14 歲)每次 1 片,每日一次,可隨時服用。

請勿將本產品給予嬰兒(1 歲以下)。





(1) 正在接受醫生治療的人。
(2) 懷孕3個月以下的孕婦、疑似懷孕者或希望懷孕者。 (有報告指出,懷孕前3個月至懷孕3個月內每天攝取維生素A超過10,000國際單位的孕婦所生嬰兒的先天畸形率增加。)

2.如果服用後出現以下症狀,可能是副作用,因此請立即停止服用,並隨身攜帶此容器,並向醫生、藥劑師或註冊銷售人員諮詢。 ●皮膚:皮疹、發紅、搔癢消化系統:噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉




Papa Jelly 5 is a nutritional supplement that contains vitamins A, D2, C, E, B6, and calcium pantothenate, which are often lacking in people of all ages, from young children to the elderly.

It is a refreshingly sweet strawberry-flavored jelly that even small children can easily take by chewing it without water.

Daily dose (per 2 capsules)

  • Vitamin A oil: 4 mg (vitamin A 4,000 international units)
  • Vitamin D₂: 0.01 mg
  • Vitamin E acetate: 5 mg
  • Vitamin B₆: 1 mg
  • Vitamin C: 40 mg
  • Calcium pantothenate: 6 mg


Adults (15 years or older): 2 tablets; children (1 to 14 years old): 1 tablet, once a day, at any time. Do
not give to infants (under 1 year old).

Do not take this medicine if you are: ●Do not give this medicine to infants (under 1 year old).

<Things to consult>

1. The following people should consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered distributor before taking this medicine.

(1) People receiving medical treatment from a doctor.
(2) Pregnant women up to 3 months pregnant, those who think they are pregnant, or those who wish to become pregnant. (There have been reports of an increased rate of congenital abnormalities in children born to pregnant women who took more than 10,000 international units of vitamin A per day from 3 months before to 3 months of pregnancy.)

2. If the following symptoms appear after taking this medicine, they may be side effects, so stop taking the medicine immediately and consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered distributor with this container. ● Skin: rash, redness, itchiness Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

3. If symptoms do not improve after taking this medicine for about 1 month, stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered distributor with this container.

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