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Home > For Mummy > Cleaning care > Arau 雅樂寶 日本Saraya Arau 雅樂寶 孕婦牙膏120G
日本Saraya Arau 雅樂寶 孕婦牙膏120G
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日本Saraya Arau 雅樂寶 孕婦牙膏120G
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成分: 碳酸鈣(清潔劑)、水、甘油(濕潤劑)、山梨糖醇(濕潤劑)、 黃原膠(粘合劑)、鉀皂基(起泡劑)、卡拉膠(粘合劑) 、薄荷醇(香味劑) 、檸檬果皮油(香味劑)、薄荷油(香味劑) 、胡椒薄荷油(香味劑) 、迷迭香油(香味劑) 、紫蘇葉精華(濕潤劑) 、 BG (濕潤劑)

It contains clean ingredients made from vegetable oil and does not contain the additives commonly found in ordinary toothpastes, such as artificial detergents, artificial flavors, pigments, preservatives, alcohol, fluorine and other chemicals, making it safe to clean the mouth.
Citrus mint flavor makes you feel fresh and comfortable after use.
Made of edible natural ingredients, it will not affect your health if you accidentally swallow it while brushing your teeth, but it is not recommended to swallow large amounts.

component: Calcium carbonate (detergent), water, glycerin (wetting agent), sorbitol (wetting agent), xanthan gum (binder), potassium soap base (foaming agent), carrageenan (binder), peppermint Alcohol (flavor), lemon peel oil (flavor), peppermint oil (flavor), peppermint oil (flavor), rosemary oil (flavor), perilla leaf essence (humectant), BG (humectant) )

Arau 雅樂寶日本Saraya Arau 雅樂寶 孕婦牙膏120G


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成分: 碳酸鈣(清潔劑)、水、甘油(濕潤劑)、山梨糖醇(濕潤劑)、 黃原膠(粘合劑)、鉀皂基(起泡劑)、卡拉膠(粘合劑) 、薄荷醇(香味劑) 、檸檬果皮油(香味劑)、薄荷油(香味劑) 、胡椒薄荷油(香味劑) 、迷迭香油(香味劑) 、紫蘇葉精華(濕潤劑) 、 BG (濕潤劑)

It contains clean ingredients made from vegetable oil and does not contain the additives commonly found in ordinary toothpastes, such as artificial detergents, artificial flavors, pigments, preservatives, alcohol, fluorine and other chemicals, making it safe to clean the mouth.
Citrus mint flavor makes you feel fresh and comfortable after use.
Made of edible natural ingredients, it will not affect your health if you accidentally swallow it while brushing your teeth, but it is not recommended to swallow large amounts.

component: Calcium carbonate (detergent), water, glycerin (wetting agent), sorbitol (wetting agent), xanthan gum (binder), potassium soap base (foaming agent), carrageenan (binder), peppermint Alcohol (flavor), lemon peel oil (flavor), peppermint oil (flavor), peppermint oil (flavor), rosemary oil (flavor), perilla leaf essence (humectant), BG (humectant) )

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