Munch Mitt 由一位加拿大媽媽Melissa發明,是全球第一款可以給嬰兒戴在手上的手套牙膠產品。
Melissa的第一個兒子是一個非常好的孩子,睡覺吃飯都很乖,好像一切都很棒。然而,當這個小傢伙3個月大的時候,卻變成了一個小怪獸般! 突然間他整個晚上都無法好好安睡,而且瘋狂地流口水。Melissa發現兒子總是把手放在嘴裡,是想要磨牙嗎?
經過3年的研究,設計,開發,採購,測試,Munch Mitt咬咬手套終於誕生,並且獲得不少育嬰產品大獎,也幫助越來越多的父母和他們正處於長牙期的小怪獸。
Hello fellow parents of little munch monsters!I would love to share with you my story of how the Munch Mitt came to be... My Inspiration
My first son was a really good baby, slept, ate well...everything was great.However, when my little guy turned 3 months old I noticed my giggly, laid back baby boy was turning into more of a monster baby!Suddenly he was cranky, up all night and drooling like crazy. I noticed he had started to put his hands in his mouth all the time.
Turns out that at 3 months old, the teething process had started.Because of his age, my son was unable to hold the typical teethers and provide himself relief.He then turned to his hands, or my hands (when available). Sometimes I would have to sit and hold teethers to his mouth for hours! In addition to this, my son has sensitive skin. All that saliva on his hands caused them to get hard and dry. His skin would crack and sometimes even bleed (especially after his front teeth cut) and he would still chew his hands.
I needed something that would protect his hands, give him pain relief and keep him interested. He also needed to be able to access it himself when he felt like it. That is how the idea of a teething mitten came about. Today the Munch Mitt is the other part of my pride and joy. After 3 years of research, design, development, sourcing, testing and a 2nd teething baby; I am happy and excited to know that I am helping other parents and their little ones with the Munch Mitt.
Life is busy as a mom and even busier as a momtrepeneur... but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I hope you love the Munch Mitt as much as I do!
【New Arrival】 Munch Mitt Teething (4 colours) 3m+
$122 - $128
Munch Mitt 由一位加拿大媽媽Melissa發明,是全球第一款可以給嬰兒戴在手上的手套牙膠產品。
Melissa的第一個兒子是一個非常好的孩子,睡覺吃飯都很乖,好像一切都很棒。然而,當這個小傢伙3個月大的時候,卻變成了一個小怪獸般! 突然間他整個晚上都無法好好安睡,而且瘋狂地流口水。Melissa發現兒子總是把手放在嘴裡,是想要磨牙嗎?
經過3年的研究,設計,開發,採購,測試,Munch Mitt咬咬手套終於誕生,並且獲得不少育嬰產品大獎,也幫助越來越多的父母和他們正處於長牙期的小怪獸。
Hello fellow parents of little munch monsters!I would love to share with you my story of how the Munch Mitt came to be... My Inspiration
My first son was a really good baby, slept, ate well...everything was great.However, when my little guy turned 3 months old I noticed my giggly, laid back baby boy was turning into more of a monster baby!Suddenly he was cranky, up all night and drooling like crazy. I noticed he had started to put his hands in his mouth all the time.
Turns out that at 3 months old, the teething process had started.Because of his age, my son was unable to hold the typical teethers and provide himself relief.He then turned to his hands, or my hands (when available). Sometimes I would have to sit and hold teethers to his mouth for hours! In addition to this, my son has sensitive skin. All that saliva on his hands caused them to get hard and dry. His skin would crack and sometimes even bleed (especially after his front teeth cut) and he would still chew his hands.
I needed something that would protect his hands, give him pain relief and keep him interested. He also needed to be able to access it himself when he felt like it. That is how the idea of a teething mitten came about. Today the Munch Mitt is the other part of my pride and joy. After 3 years of research, design, development, sourcing, testing and a 2nd teething baby; I am happy and excited to know that I am helping other parents and their little ones with the Munch Mitt.
Life is busy as a mom and even busier as a momtrepeneur... but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I hope you love the Munch Mitt as much as I do!