罩衣防水防污,清潔輕鬆,可簡單用濕紙巾抹。 2.材質輕巧,柔軟舒適不緊繃,寶寶穿上後也輕鬆自然 3.頸部採用雙鈕扣設計,方便調較至適合寶寶身形
尺碼:Free (建議6個月-36個月)
1. 太空熊🚀
2. 米色曲奇熊🍪
3. 黃色格仔曲奇熊🍪
4. 小熱狗🌭
Waterproof material makes it easy to clean with a wet wipe. The material is lightweight, soft, comfortable. It is designed with double buttons, which can be easily adjusted to suit your baby size and make it easy for the baby to wear.
Product details:
Material: polyester fiber
Size: Free (recommended 6 months-36 months)
1. Space Bear🚀
2. Beige Cookie Bear🍪
3. Yellow cookie bear🍪
4. Little hot dog🌭
罩衣防水防污,清潔輕鬆,可簡單用濕紙巾抹。 2.材質輕巧,柔軟舒適不緊繃,寶寶穿上後也輕鬆自然 3.頸部採用雙鈕扣設計,方便調較至適合寶寶身形
尺碼:Free (建議6個月-36個月)
1. 太空熊🚀
2. 米色曲奇熊🍪
3. 黃色格仔曲奇熊🍪
4. 小熱狗🌭
Waterproof material makes it easy to clean with a wet wipe. The material is lightweight, soft, comfortable. It is designed with double buttons, which can be easily adjusted to suit your baby size and make it easy for the baby to wear.
Product details:
Material: polyester fiber
Size: Free (recommended 6 months-36 months)
1. Space Bear🚀
2. Beige Cookie Bear🍪
3. Yellow cookie bear🍪
4. Little hot dog🌭