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這款肥皂將洗手變成一件令人愉快的事。當雙手完全清潔時,顏色會從紫色變成白色。其配方溫和,適合年輕肌膚,帶有果香。 |
This soap turns hand washing into an enjoyable task. When the hands are completely clean, the color will change from purple to white. Its formula is gentle for young skin and has a fruity scent.
這款肥皂將洗手變成一件令人愉快的事。當雙手完全清潔時,顏色會從紫色變成白色。其配方溫和,適合年輕肌膚,帶有果香。 |
This soap turns hand washing into an enjoyable task. When the hands are completely clean, the color will change from purple to white. Its formula is gentle for young skin and has a fruity scent.